How I Helped Generate 175+ Leads for a Plastic Surgeon in 3 Months

If you’re getting involved with the digital marketing landscape, the main question all businesses want to know is how profitable the strategy is. In this case, the story starts off at the beginning of my journey in the Google AdWords campaign creation. I was fresh out of college trying to find my way in the marketing field. I ended up getting started with Elysian Digital and we had our first client being a plastic surgeon in Beverly Hills, CA.

The client had relatively no online presence, so we went ahead and had to build everything from scratch. I mainly focused on SEO and SEM, so a majority of my work was centered around those branches of marketing. The SEO strategy I did can be talked about in a different post, but I had to create an entire AdWords account from scratch. Once the account was created, the main objective of the campaigns were to drive leads to the office for a particular service. I also had to do all of this with only $1,000/ month in ad spend for a highly competitive market. Definitely no easy task.

The first thing I did when crating these campaigns was have a mindset of “test, test, re-test, and test again.” This mindset allowed me to test out different ideas to see what worked and what didn’t work.

The second thing I did was research. It’s not very sexy, but researching can help generate plenty of ideas for ad copy as well as landing page experience. From the research I found that there were a set of keywords that fit certain criteria for the campaign. They had low competition and fairly decent search volume. This let me know that we can dominate certain keywords without competition driving up the cost. I created the ad copy and began to format the landing page, so it lead a user down the informational path and eventually got them to submit their information.

Once I established the copy, keywords and landing page experience the next thing I had to do was tell Google what a conversion is and how we were going to track it. (All conversions need to be defined and be trackable in the world of Google and can be implemented on a site through conversion tracking code. Find out more about how to add conversion tracking to your campaigns here.) To do this I had to create a “Thank You” page on the site and code it to track page views. I also had to de-index the page, so that the search engines don’t place it in Search results. This limits the access to that “Thank You” page to only one way and that way was through submitting the form.

Once the campaign took flight all I had to do was the daily maintenance like pacing and Search Query Observation (I’ll talk about this in later posts).

At the end of 1 month we were at around 50 leads; by 2 months 60 more, and by the 3rd month a total of over 178 leads. All by the users gaining the information they were looking for and scheduling a time to come in to the office.

Now as I mentioned before the ad spend was $1,000/ month. The plastic surgeon’s least expensive service was a little over $4,000. Considering we drove 178 leads and understanding that the off-line process can wean that number down a bit, that is an insane ROI. (Assuming a conversion rate of 10%, that’s about $68,000 after only pending $3,000)

Disclaimer: No two campaigns are the same and different industries require different strategies. We cannot guarantee results from campaign creation, but we can continue to test and optimize toward the campaign objective.

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How to Utilize Click Through Rate (CTR) on Google AdWords